In the worlds of martial arts and personal growth, mindset is everything. A story shared by a former client of mine, one of the most intriguing individuals I've ever encountered, illustrates this.
During a grappling session early in his training, my client found himself caught in an unbreakable headlock. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't break free. His strength waned and hope dwindled, but he refused to resort to what he considered dirty tactics.
Just as he was about to give up, his grappling partner asked, "Are you still in the fight? Do you still want to win?" When my client affirmed that he did, the partner's response was simple yet powerful: "Well if you're still in the fight then FIGHT!"
Staying in “the fight” isn't about physical strength alone, but about the mental fortitude to keep pushing, even when the odds seem insurmountable - not only in physical confrontations, but in any of life's challenges. We often find ourselves in overwhelming situations, and it's in these moments that we must dig deep, reassess our approach, and remind ourselves that we're still in the fight.
This resonates with me on a personal level, particularly when I reflect on my journey within the emergency services. I often find myself wishing I had joined sooner, imagining all I could have accomplished by now if I'd started years before I did.
However, I've come to realize that it's never too late to make a difference. Despite my late start, I still feel a strong sense of purpose and calling. I know I have contributions to make and goals to achieve. It’s empowering to realize that our potential isn't limited by when we begin, but by our determination to make an impact, regardless of when we start.
The key is to maintain the right mindset. Just like my client in his grappling match, we must remember that as long as we're still in the fight we have the potential to succeed. Starting late doesn't mean all is lost; it simply means our journey has taken a different path.
Whether you're facing a challenging situation or feeling behind in your career, remember: if you're still in the fight, then FIGHT. Your mindset can be your greatest asset or your biggest obstacle. Choose to keep pushing forward, and you might surprise yourself with what you can achieve.
Every effort we make is significant. It's never too late to make a difference, and your contribution, no matter when it begins, is valuable and needed.
Roy, your article reminds me of my Christian walk. I started later in life putting my faith in Jesus. I used to reflect and say, “I could’ve done so much more if I would’ve started earlier.” However, there is so much that can be done NOW and that’s my focus.